
上膠切邊機 V-600

2024-06-04 20


● Seamless sponge bra adhesive tape with side fabric trimming.

● Seamless sportswear, swimsuit, sport bra etc, adhesive tape with trimming.

● Seamless boat socks adhesive tape, cuffs and curved style products adhesive tape with trimming.

● 無(wú)縫海綿文胸上膠和修邊。

● 無(wú)縫運動(dòng)服,泳衣,運動(dòng)圍等上膠修邊。

● 無(wú)縫船襪貼布條,袖口和弧形系列無(wú)縫產(chǎn)品的上膠修邊。

Features / 特點(diǎn)

● Separate adjustment of speed for upper and lower rollers.

● Independent adjustment of air volume and temperature for blowing.

● Independent temperature adjustment for heating trough.

● Adjustable roller pressure.

● Fault detection. Temperature difference alarm. High-temperature protection. WIFI remote monitoring.

● Various additional accessories or devices can be optionally purchased to complement production.

● 上下滾輪分開(kāi)獨立調節速度。

● 吹風(fēng)獨立調節風(fēng)量和溫度。

● 發(fā)熱槽獨立調節溫度。

● 滾輪壓力可調節。

● 故障檢測、溫差報警、高溫保護、WIFI遠程監控。

● 可另選購多種配件或裝置配合生產(chǎn)。


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